—a sacred covenant
Here at Grace Community Church, we take marriage very seriously.
We believe God instituted marriage:
• To reflect His Triune nature in humanity.
• To reflect Christ’s relationship
with the Church.
• To serve as a foundation for all
other societal institutions.
• To teach men and women how to
truly love and serve others.
• To conceive, nurture, and
protect children
We believe God has revealed Himself to
us in the Bible. The Bible teaches us that
marriage is between a man and woman and
it is a permanent covenant that is
Permanent for life.
Each person entering a marriage must
understand that he must forsake all others.
This relationship is second in priority only to
their relationship with their Creator. It must
be guarded and valued.
Because we value marriage, we believe
Your wedding is one of the most important
moments of your life and we want to help
you to make it a
God‐honoring, life nurturing choice.
While we do weddings from the community as part of our ministry, priority will be given to those
who regularly attend and support
Grace Community Church and their children.
The Senior Pastor must approve all
weddings done at the church by other
Our Wedding Guidelines are strictly taken and based upon Scripture.
• Our Pastor may marry any man and
woman who have never been
married before.
• The Scriptures are clear that God hates
divorce. Only two circumstances exist where
God allows divorce.
Only under those circumstances can
a Believer move into another
marriage Biblically.
1. Our Pastors may remarry any divorcee who is
considered the “innocent party” in their divorce.
This means the individual seeking to be married
here divorced their former spouse because of that person’s refusal to be faithful to the marriage
covenant. (Matthew 5:32).
2. Our Pastors may remarry any divorcee whose
unbelieving, former spouse has
divorced, or deserted them, or who has
already remarried.
(1 Cor. 7:15) If the unbelieving spouse
desires to leave the believer is to let them. |
In addition, our Pastors may remarry any person
whose former spouse is dead. Romans
7:2 and 1 Cor. 7:39 make it clear that death
dissolves the marriage relationship.
There are three other special situation that need to be mentioned:
• Mark 10:11‐12 specifically forbid any
believer to obtain a divorce for the express
purpose of marrying someone else.
Our Pastors will not perform a ceremony
under those conditions.
• Our Pastor will strongly encourage a
couple who is currently cohabitating, prior to
marriage, to honor the Scripture’s guide‐ lines
about sexuality. This obedience is a way to
enjoy God’s blessings in the future.
• 2 Cor. 6:14 teaches that a believer
should not be yoked together with
non‐believer. Our Pastor will not knowing
perform a wedding where one partner is a
professing Christian and the other is not.
(1)Any couple who wishes to be married by
must plan on completing 2 to 4 pre‐marital counseling sessions. These are to prepare the couple for Marriage .
(2) You are encouraged to attend our church 2 -4 times during period of Counseling or attend another bible believing church.
None of these statements should keep a
couple who desires to be married from
making an inquiry with the Pastors.