Grace Community Church of Lansford
15 W. Ridge St.
Lansford, Pa. 18232
Worship 11:00am Sunday
Here at Grace Community Church everyone is welcome!
Your current situation and your past don't matter! It's all about finding the grace of God at the cross, and because of
God's grace you can find forgiveness and healing! That all
begins when you surrender your life to Him and believe
in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord & Savior!
Romans 10:9 ~ If you confess with your mouth that
Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised
Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Come just as you are!
At Grace Community Church you will find people just like you,
people who need God. As we worship and fellowship together,
we hope that you. will sense His presence, hear His word, and
experience His love. Come joinus, we look forward to getting to
know you better.
Grace Community Church
Sunday Morning Worship Starts @ 11:00 am
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