Grace Community Church of Lansford

15 W. Ridge St.

Lansford, Pa. 18232

(570) 645-2212

Wedding Services Information

Wedding Policy @ Grace Community Church of Lansford:


Although not every circumstance is the same, however, we do have these

basic guidelines for weddings performed at our church and by our Pastors.



For normal church weddings the following are regular fees for use of the church.

For weddings of a small scale or for those with demonstrated need, fees may be

waived on request.


For official Members or their children:

• Use of Sanctuary No Set  Fee

• Pastor sessions, Rehearsal time, Wedding Service $200


For those who attend or their children:

• Use of Sanctuary No Set Fee

•  Pastor Sessions, Rehearsal time, Wedding Service $200


For friends from our community:

• Use of Sanctuary $75

• Pastor Fee: Sessions, Rehearsal time, Wedding Service $300

   ($375.00 Total)


Fees are due at the rehearsal and may be

included in a single check payable to

Grace Community Church of Lansford.



The flavor of the ceremony is largely up to the Bride and Groom. The Pastor will work with the couple in putting together a service that reflects their unique styles and tastes, always recognizing this is a sacred ceremony. Use of secular music that is devoid of Biblical values is discouraged. It needs to be remembered a church wedding is a ceremony done before God and should be done with an attitude of seeking His favor and bringing glory to Him.




Contact the church office during normal business hours. Your request will be passed along to the Pastor. He will call to arrange a person to person meeting with you to determine times and dates for the wedding. At that time he’ll also schedule the first counseling session. Both Groom and Bride please print out and fill out the Pre-marital profile and either drop off to pastor before first meeting sessions or at latest have with you during the first Session.


15 W. Ridge St.

Lansford, Pa


Phone: 570-645-2212



—a sacred covenant


Here at Grace Community Church, we take marriage very seriously.


We believe God instituted marriage:


• To reflect His Triune nature  in humanity.

• To reflect Christ’s relationship with the Church.

• To serve as a foundation for all other societal institutions.

• To teach men and women how to truly love and serve others.

• To conceive, nurture, and protect children


We believe God has revealed Himself to us in the Bible. The Bible teaches us that

marriage is between a man and woman and it is a permanent covenant that is

Permanent for life.


Each person entering a marriage must understand that he must forsake all others.

This relationship is second in priority only to their relationship with their Creator. It must be guarded and valued.


Because we value marriage, we believe Your wedding is one of the most important

moments of your life and we want to help you to make it a Godhonoring, life nurturing choice.



While we do weddings from the community as part of our ministry, priority will be given to those who regularly attend and support Grace Community Church and their children.

The Senior Pastor must approve all weddings done at the church by other


Our Wedding Guidelines are strictly taken and based upon Scripture.


Our Pastor may marry any man and woman who have never been
  married before.


The Scriptures are clear that God hates divorce. Only two

  circumstances exist where God allows divorce. Only under those
  circumstances can a Believer move into another marriage Biblically.

 1. Our Pastors may remarry any divorcee who is considered the

    “innocent party” in their divorce. This means the individual seeking
    to be married here divorced their former spouse because of that
    person’s refusal to be faithful to the marriage covenant. (Matthew 5:32).


2. Our Pastors may remarry any divorcee whose unbelieving, former spouse

    has divorced, or deserted them, or who has already remarried.

   (1 Cor. 7:15) If the unbelieving spouse desires to leave the believer is to

   let them.

In addition, our Pastors may remarry any person whose former spouse is dead. Romans 7:2 and 1 Cor. 7:39 make it clear that death

dissolves the marriage relationship.


There are three other special situation that need to be mentioned:


• Mark 10:11‐12 specifically forbid any believer to obtain a divorce for the express purpose of marrying someone else.

Our Pastors will not perform a ceremony under those conditions.


• Our Pastor will strongly encourage a couple who is currently cohabitating, prior to marriage, to honor the Scripture’s guide‐ lines about sexuality. This obedience is a way to enjoy God’s blessings in the future.


• 2 Cor. 6:14 teaches that a believer should not be yoked together with a

non‐believer. Our Pastor will not knowing perform a wedding where one partner is a professing Christian and the other is not.




 (1) Any couple who wishes to be married by must plan on completing 2 to 4

      pre‐marital coaching sessions. These are to prepare the couple for

      Marriage .

              ** If you would like a jumpstart on the Marriage Coaching sessions feel free to print out and work on our Pre-Marital Coaching session document.


(2) You are encouraged to attend our church 2-4 times during period of

      Coaching or attend another bible believing church.


None of these statements should keep a

couple who desires to be married from

making an inquiry with the Pastors.

Please be aware that performance of marriage ceremonies is an accommodation to the body of Christ, NOT an obligation. It is understood that entering into pre marital coaching is NOT an agreement of approval to be married by this pastor or anyone else at this church. We do not claim to be "Professional Counselors".

 Our counsel is based solely on God's Word.