In addition, our Pastors may remarry any person whose former spouse is dead. Romans 7:2 and 1 Cor. 7:39 make it clear that death
dissolves the marriage relationship.
There are three other special situation that need to be mentioned:
• Mark 10:11‐12 specifically forbid any believer to obtain a divorce for the express purpose of marrying someone else.
Our Pastors will not perform a ceremony under those conditions.
• Our Pastor will strongly encourage a couple who is currently cohabitating, prior to marriage, to honor the Scripture’s guide‐ lines about sexuality. This obedience is a way to enjoy God’s blessings in the future.
• 2 Cor. 6:14 teaches that a believer should not be yoked together with a
non‐believer. Our Pastor will not knowing perform a wedding where one partner is a professing Christian and the other is not.
(1) Any couple who wishes to be married by must plan on completing 2 to 4
pre‐marital coaching sessions. These are to prepare the couple for
Marriage .
** If you would like a jumpstart on the Marriage Coaching sessions feel free to print out and work on our Pre-Marital Coaching session document.
(2) You are encouraged to attend our church 2-4 times during period of
Coaching or attend another bible believing church.
None of these statements should keep a
couple who desires to be married from
making an inquiry with the Pastors.
Please be aware that performance of marriage ceremonies is an accommodation to the body of Christ, NOT an obligation. It is understood that entering into pre marital coaching is NOT an agreement of approval to be married by this pastor or anyone else at this church. We do not claim to be "Professional Counselors".
Our counsel is based solely on God's Word.