Grace Community Church of Lansford

15 W. Ridge St.

Lansford, Pa. 18232

(570) 645-2212

Thankful Thrift In the News

We have clothing for all ages, Furniture,

knick-knacks, toys games, tools, and much,

much more. Come check us out.

Closed Sunday

Closed Monday

Open Tuesday  10am-2pm

Open Wednesday 2pm -5pm

Open Thursday 10am - 2pm

Open Friday 10am - 2pm 

Open Saturday 10am - 2pm

Church Opens Thankful Thrift Store

Friday, August 17, 2012
Celebrating the opening of Grace Community Church's Thankful Thrift shop in Lansford are, from left, borough Councilwoman
Samantha Yasson; Deacon Robert Whildin; Pastor Brent Kunkel; Pastor Jeremy Benack; Abigail Benack, 5; Victoria Benack; Lauri Lantosh; Billy Ansbach and Lansford Alive! officer Bob Silver.

Full article can be viewed


Business Honored by Lansford Alive

Thursday, December 19, 2013
"Thankful Thrift Store" was honored by Lansford Alive during the organization's annual Christmas party at the Lansford American Legion. Bob Silver, center, representing Lansford Alive, presents plaque to store employee Billy Ansbach. Looking on are, l-r, Victoria Benack, Pastor Jeremy Benack, and Laurie Lantosh, store employee.

Silver said the Thankful Thrift Store on Ridge Street is operated by Ministry of Grace Community Church and was given the award "for locating downtown and filling a void in the downtown business district."


Article & Photo courtesy of the Times News 


Photo can also be viewed at


Thankful Thrift on WNEP
Broadcast Published On WNEP 16
Full article can be viewed here 
courtesy of News Watch 16
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