Grace Community Church of Lansford

15 W. Ridge St.

Lansford, Pa. 18232

(570) 645-2212

Welcome To Our Sermon Page

January    February    March    April    May    June    July   


August    September    October    November    December

April 2014

"Victory in Christ"
April 27, 2014 Pastor Brent Kunkel

Romans 10:8-10 "Resurrection Sunday" Easter Service

April 20, 2014 Pastor Jeremy Benack

Mark 11:1-10 "Palm Sunday"

April 13, 2014 Pastor Jeremy Benack

Matthew 19:13 to 20:28 "Walking with Jesus to Jerusalem" 

April 6, 2014 Pastor Jeremy Benack

March 2014

Matthew 14:22-33 "During life's storms or obstacles by faith we need to get out of the boat so we can walk on water."

March 30, 2014 Pastor Jeremy Benack

1 Peter 1:3-9 "God's Grace in the midst of trials."

March 23, 2014 Pastor Jeremy Benack

Romans 5:3 "Having Victory in the midst of difficult times" Will you allow it to (1) Destroy you (2) Define you or (3) Develop you.

March 16, 2014 Pastor Jeremy Benack

Joel 2:1 "Return to God"

March 9, 2014 Pastor Jeremy Benack

2 Timothy 1:3-7 "Whom Shall I Fear"

March 2, 2014 Pastor Jeremy Benack

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Cost is $1.75 and is applied towards our Missions Fund and the cost of postage. 


Sermons can also be heard from the previous week on Voice in the Valley.



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