Grace Community Church of Lansford

15 W. Ridge St.

Lansford, Pa. 18232

(570) 645-2212

Lansford Community Garden


A Ministry of Grace Community Church



About the Lansford Community Garden


The children and youth from Grace Community Church are participants in Lansford Community Garden Project as part of their ministry. Jodi Mika is the children's director at the church. In times of despair and war, there were victory gardens all over to help many communities during that difficult time. Lansford , Summit hill, Coaldale and the surrounding towns had their own victory gardens. Whether they were for the entire community or in peoples back yards, they shared the fruits of their labor with their neighbors. They are beginning to pop up all over the U.S. Again! Jodi is trying to help teach children and youth about serving their community. She feels as though this project will help the children and adults of the community of Lansford to get a sense of pride and accomplishment once again. The community garden really has so many aspects that can help build up our children and youth. It will teach gardening skills, to be able to grow vegetables, and also help support their family and friends. She is hoping that the children gain the ability to see their hard work and can truly inspire them to put their free time into positive actions instead of wasted ones. There is hope the  community garden project will close the generation gap between youth and the elderly of the community today. Lastly we are hoping this garden can help the community have a sense of pride again where they live and help make the town beautiful and full of life which seems to be dwindling. People want to give up and just give in the fact that's the way it is anymore. Neighbors don't know neighbors, doors are locking each other out, and they're afraid of helping one another. A small seed planted into our youth and children today can only grow with a foundation of positive actions for generations to come. The garden is open to all .... to help work, donate, or just come and spread their knowledge and stories ...

Property for the Lansford Community Garden is owned by the borough of Lansford.